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| import threading import time import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="(%(threadName)s) %(message)s',")
def producer(con: threading.Condition): logging.debug("Producer thread started") with con: logging.debug("Making resource available, sleep 5s") time.sleep(5) logging.debug("Notify all the consumers") con.notify_all()
def consumer(con: threading.Condition): logging.debug("Consumer thread started") with con: logging.debug("Consumer waiting") con.wait() logging.debug('Consumer consumed the resource')
if __name__ == '__main__': condition = threading.Condition()
pd = threading.Thread(name='producer', target=producer, args=(condition,))
cs_list = [] cs_num = 5 for i in range(cs_num): cs_list.append(threading.Thread(name='consumer_{}'.format(i), target=consumer, args=(condition,)))
for c in cs_list: c.start() time.sleep(1)
- 引入一个公共变量。
- 该公共变量作为condition的判断依据
- producer判断是否符合condition,如果符合,则唤醒其他进程,此时其他进程进行竞争,抢到锁的进行处理,处理完后释放锁,没抢到锁的,继续进入睡眠状态。
- producer加锁操作变量,操作完后通知其他进程,然后解锁。
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| import threading import logging import time import random
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="(%(threadName)s) %(message)s',")
resource = [] sleep_time = 2
def add_resource(num): logging.debug("producer add item {} in resource".format(num)) time.sleep(sleep_time) resource.append(num)
def consume_resource(re): logging.debug("consume from resource") logging.debug("consume {}".format(re[0])) resource.remove(re[0])
def consumer(re, cn: threading.Condition): cn.acquire() while True: try: consume_resource(re) except: logging.debug("resource is empty") logging.debug("wait until be notified") cn.wait()
def producer(cn: threading.Condition): r = random.randint(2, 10) logging.debug("random num is {}".format(r))
for i in range(0, r): logging.debug("produce item, add {} in resource in 2s".format(i)) time.sleep(sleep_time)
logging.debug("try to get lock") cn.acquire()
try: add_resource(i) cn.notify_all() finally: cn.release()
if __name__ == '__main__': con = threading.Condition() pd = threading.Thread(name="producer", target=producer, args=(con,))
cs_list = [] cs_num = 3 for i in range(1, cs_num): cs_list.append(threading.Thread(name="cs_{}".format(i), target=consumer, args=(resource, con,)))
for c in cs_list: c.start() time.sleep(sleep_time)